Part 57: 09/09/09 - 09/11/09
I'd get used to seein' that message because it's gonna be pretty much constant from hereon in. There's nothing above Great, but ending a day resets it to Good... and sleeping early pushes it back up to Great.
An Unpleasant Premonition

Sorry I haven't been around...

But, you know, I can't just leave her alone...

Don't ask me why...

Good luck. Take care of yourself.

Yeah... Thanks, man.
Changing Seasons /

You too, right?

...But, if you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask! You can count on me!
> You feel an unbreakable bond between you and Kazushi.
It might seem notable that, unlike with Chihiro, we don't get an option to just hang out with Kaz today. But that's because today is a Wednesday, and that's not a sports club day.
...Except this is also the case on days when Kaz would be available.
There's plenty of options we have in spite of that, but this is lagging pretty far behind considering how early it was started...

Why are you accusing ME? The cigarette butt was in the BOYS' bathroom, right?

Can you prove that it wasn't a girl who left it there?
Like, this is a pretty stupid argument. Can you prove it wasn't a horse that left it there, Hidetoshi?!

There's just no reasoning with you!
> No one seems to agree with Hidetoshi.

They can be pretty cruel.

...Don't hold it against them... They're like children: they just don't understand.

Sooner or later, they'll see the light. Then, they'll respect me.

I'm not isolating myself; I'm just being aloof. Sooner or later, someone always gets hurt in any relationship.

...I guess I'm preaching to the choir, though. I apologize.
> It seems like Hidetoshi is trying to be a good friend.
> You understand Hidetoshi better now.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

About four days.

...Oh, yeah?
Today is the fourth day, even.

Next to a bow, a spear is probably the best long-range weapon.

But with a spear, you can only cover a small area in front of you.

And if you miss with a spear, you'll probably get counter-attacked.
I wouldn't really call spears much of a long-range weapon, but I also wouldn't call them second best either.

Healing and Support... Tch...

I don't do that crap... don't look at me if you need help.
Reminder that Shinji's either just learned, or just about to learn, Evil Smile. Which is an ailment spell. Or, in other words: a support skill.
Nothing else of note tonight, though Fuuka does... phone us... to set up a date on Sunday. Uh, sure, we'll do that. The point bonus from it could be very important, if we use it right.
But we've got a few days to get through before we get there.
Changing Seasons /

Etiquette demands that we say a specific phrase both before we eat and after we eat.

Junpei, you should know this.

Huh...? Me?

(H-Hey, Makoto, what was the question?)


Correct! We say "gochisou-sama" to thank the one who provided the food.

Last time, my darling...

(Phew... Thanks, Makoto.)
A New Complication

...Don't call me that.

C'mon, cheer up...

That wasn't necessary, Junpei.

Heheh, you said my name... I was worried I'd never hear that again.

She finally started talking.

But, nothing useful yet.

Well, that's a start.

So... Why are YOU here?

Chidori!? Wh-What's wrong!?

Ugh... Agh...
What on Earth...

A Persona!

Shinji gives Chidori... something... that seems to work, maybe?

*gasp* *gasp*


Relax... It happens.
...How do you know that, Shinji?


...You know about Strega?
I... really don't believe you. That is a terrible, blatant lie.

I'll give the doc the right pills. ...The rest is up to you.

Shinji, wait!



Th-Thank God...! I thought you might be...

Why do you look so scared?

Death is nothing to be afraid of...

What are you saying...?

Wh-What!? You don't really mean that, do you?

I-I don't want you to die, Chidori!


Just because you're not afraid doesn't mean no one else is...

Did you ever think about how I might feel!?
Mitsuru just sorta walks out, since this seems to be working better than anything else she could think of at least.

You're so weird, Junpei...

Ha... Look who's talkin'...

What the hell's going on...?

Why did you have those pills!?

I've heard about those...

But, the side-effects...

You're not taking them, are you?


I don't owe you anything.

Tch. The same as always...

You think I'm wasting my power... but you're just too thick-headed.

I'm tired of your damn preaching.

Don't you get it?

You know the reason...

I wasn't strong enough to save her. They held me back, while she...


That's why I try so hard...

So, why the drugs?

Why didn't you come talk to me...?

I'm back in the fight now...

So let it go.



...And the side effects?


It's something only I can do.

...Like what?

Listen, don't worry about me.

Just do what you think is right.
Changing Seasons /
Y'know, I like it about as much as you do, but... we really should see Kenji's terrible sideplot though to the end. It'll take a bit longer than it probably should, but it WAS the first one we started...

What's wrong?

...Dude, listen to this...

I've got a serious problem...

I saw a magazine on Emiri's coffee table. Guess what it was called...

Bride-To-Be Magazine.

H-How did you guess!? Man, you're amazing.

When I saw the magazine, I began to think...

I made up my mind, man. As soon as I graduate, I'm gonna marry Emiri.

So, whaddaya think, Makoto?

That's great. Congrats!
I can't not read this as being incredibly sarcastic.

...Th-Thanks, Makoto!

I'm seriously in love with Emiri, and I'm gonna marry her!
> Kenji is raising his voice.

Then, Emiri Kanou will be known as Emiri Tomochika! And I'll make her the happiest wife ever!
Can we, maybe, pretend to not know Kenji right now? That'd be nice.

*gasp* *gasp*

I wanted your support, dude...
Barking up the wrong tree... well, really, not even in the right forest, to be honest.
> Kenji has opened up to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> You decided to walk home with Kenji.
Iwatodai Dorm
Ohey, this means we can finally go to Tartarus again starting from today. Naturally, we won't be today but hey.

It's not the right time to be bombarding her with questions.

Besides, we still have three Shadows to contend with.

We should be able to accomplish that within the next few months, unless the situation changes.

Don't let your guard down until the very end.
Mostly understandable that today's events would lead to leaving Chidori's stuff to Junpei. The aggressive self-destructive uncontrollable Persona might have caused a genuine issue if it wasn't for Shinji, though.


Chidori hates us...

Well, I guess she doesn't hate ALL of us.

He is tired of eating the same food day after day.

I recommend you change Koromaru-san's menu.

I'll think about it.

Koromaru-san seems happy to hear that. Thank you.

Arf! Arf!

Heh, I can respect that.

I don't like people bothering me, either.
It's always weird when characters in-game explicitly acknowledge a silent protagonist's status as, well, a silent protagonist. I dunno, it just doesn't really work for me since it's not often anything is done with it.
For extra luck today, try punching three times in front of a mirror!
Oh, right, I mostly forgot about this before but more birthdays:
Fuuka: December 22nd, 1992 (Capricorn)
Aigis: September 10th, 1999 (Virgo)
...Hey wait that's today! Huh, how about that. It's even the, uh, third since Mitsuru because:
Ken: June 24th, 1998 (Cancer)
Shinji: August 11th, 1991 (Leo)

...someone tells me they want to die. So I tell this person I don't want her to die.

How does that sound? Is it awkward?

Yeah, kinda.

You're right... I always feel weird when I tell her that.
Since we're in the latter half of the week, we have stuff to do at night now. Thanks, Mutatsu!
This Mysterious Feeling

...Let's just forget about it, alright?

Anyway, I'm sober today... just sit down and listen to what this old monk has to say.

At least, that's what I thought. So I begged to take over my parents' temple.

But, every day is the anniversary of someone's death!

I'm workin' 24/7, as if my temple was a convenience store...

Poor men know no leisure.

...That's only half true, kid. Sure, I've got no time for leisure, but I'm definitely not poor.

It varies, of course, but an offering can sometimes be as much as a salary man's year-end bonus.
Out of curiosity, I looked this up. The average winter bonus for a salaryman in 2009 was 747,282 Yen ($6700.52) which was a 16% drop from 2008. Yeah, really.

...But, as you can see, I'm too busy.

I gotta push this old body of mine to the limit.

Maybe I should think of somethin' else to do with my life. I can't keep this up for much longer...

Time to retire?

Yeah, maybe you're right. A person should know when enough's enough.

...Oh, how about this...
> Mutatsu is thinking...

I think it's a pretty good idea. I could retire and enjoy life for once.

Whaddya think?

What're you talking about?

Oh, um... well...

I'm thinking about asking them to come back... you know, my wife... and my son.

First, I gotta find out where they are. I'll hire a detective. I don't care how much it costs.

And when I see 'em, first thing I'm gonna do is tell 'em I'm sorry... from the bottom of my heart.

I-I've had enough of dealing with a punk like you, anyways! G-Good riddance!
> Despite his harsh words, Mutatsu sounds like he's going to miss you...
> You understand Mutatsu better now.

Oh well, I guess I'll go to a detective agency tomorrow...

Alright, let's get going, kid.
> You left the club with Mutatsu.
I'm sure there's a Kuzunoha Detective Agency office somewhere nearby. It'd be weirder if there wasn't one, even.
But, uh, I reckon we've got time for one more day.
An Unpleasant Premonition

Hey, Makoto-kun...

I wonder why Shinjiro-senpai came back so suddenly...

He has a lot of power.

Yeah, I guess. He's kinda scary, if you ask me...

But, it doesn't seem like he's rejoining SEES just cuz he likes to fight.
Changing Seasons /
...So much for today being on the shorter end of things.

Are you ready? Then, let's begin. Today, we'll discuss the magic of the Renaissance.

The Renaissance was a time when the arts and the sciences enjoyed a resurgence in Europe.

Naturally, this had a profound influence on magic.

As to why the Renaissance helped to further magic...

They had found a way to escape the rule of the church.

By studying the teachings of previously forbidden sects, the knowledge of magic spread greatly.

The Renaissance also brought about the revival of ancient Greek and Roman literature.
The Hermetica is from the 2nd century, and as the name implies it's a Hermetic book. It formed the basis of Hermeticism, even. Hermeticism is what brought us a bunch of famous historical folks who studied the arcane - Aleister Crowley and Samuel Lidell MacGregor Mathers are the obvious ones in that regard. It's mostly historical nowadays but there are still some people that follow aspects of it, for examplle modern day Libertarian Republican politician Augustus Sol Invictus (who's running for the Senate in Florida as we speak, even)...

Philosophy, natural history, alchemy, astrology...

The book was filled with a wide range of subjects, and could be called the bible of magic.

Just as science and astronomy have made strides in the modern day...

So, too, has the art of magic.

You can see this in the emergence of a great magician, who applied the knowledge of the Renaissance.

...with the magical knowledge he obtained, he was able to talk to angels.

Then there was Hohenheim, a doctor who traveled across Europe...

Of course, a magician's life wasn't an easy one.

Both men lived lives riddled with persecution.

...Are you all listening? Keep your minds down to Earth! Eeeheehee.

Here's a test to see if you were paying attention.

Get it wrong, and your house will become irrevocably haunted. Bagahi Laca Bachabe...

Now... Who should be my victim? Makoto, I ask thee.

The Hermetica.

Correct. Back to your peaceful life.

Magic at the time had a great influence on the church-ruled society.

Several magicians were involved with the central part of the Renaissance, the religious revolution...
When he's not getting into things that are specific, Edogawa can be generally accurate. Not great or anything, but better than his long talks about the tarot that had more than their fair share of errors.
Anyway, we'll just commit to this before it keeps slipping further and further away. We might as well get it done.
...Although today was just spending time to get one whole point. Yes, really. We needed 22 for the next rank, but the rank 7 scene just gives a maximum of 21.
Iwatodai Dorm

...we will attack any enemies that have been knocked down.

If no enemies have been knocked down, then we will do our best to knock them down.

During that time, however, we will be unable to heal and support, so be careful.
Uh, what?

Its attack speed is slow, but its range more than makes up for it.

It is a useful weapon when you want to surprise the enemy.
...What? No. It's slow but pretty damn powerful.

Its skills and agility aren't bad, either.

Castor doesn't have any weaknesses...

Well, I guess its luck isn't that great, but that doesn't matter in battle.

If you gotta depend on luck... then you're as good as dead.
Castor's Luck is pretty bad, but his Magic is still worse. That one doesn't matter though, because that's require a spell that does damage.
And we'll just close out the next by hanging out with Mutatsu some more. It's not enough for a rank up the next time we come here, but it puts it very close. We'll potentially get it finished and added to the now rapidly growing pile of maxed S.Links next time, though!